El Morya – The Lives of an Ascended Master

El Morya is an ascended master recognized for his devotion to the will of God. He is the lord or chohan of the first ray, the color blue and the throat chakra. The ascended masters once walked the earth the same as we do. They had lifetimes in which they perfected various soul and character qualities. A study of specific lifetimes of the masters helps us to understand what is required for true self-mastery. One of the more well-known lifetimes of the ascended master El Morya is that of Akbar the Great, a sixteenth century Mogul emperor in India. Other lifetimes include that of King Arthur, the statesman Thomas More and the poet Thomas Moore.

Akbar the Great is considered to be the greatest of the Mogul emperors in India. Akbar began his rule at the age of fourteen following his father’s death. For the next two decades, Akbar doubled the size of the Indian empire, bring the northern and central parts of India under his control. His most lasting contributions, however, were in the arts and religion.

Akbar commissioned the building of notable architectural structures, collected art from around the world and began a large collection of literature from a vast array of cultures. He was himself an artisan skilled in fine art, carpentry, blacksmithing and lace making. Akbar is said to have had refined tastes in a wide variety of music.

During his childhood, Akbar had been raised for a time by his uncle and aunt in the rugged country of Afghanistan. Here he developed his physical prowess, practicing hunting, running and the martial arts. As an adult, Akbar was also an animal trainer reputed to have personally trained many cheetahs for hunting.

Akbar’s religious tolerance was well known and unusual for his day. He invited practitioners of many religions including Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, atheists and Jesuits to hold a series of religious debates in his court. He also founded his own religion, known as Divine Faith. This religion, however, did not survive for long after his death. Akbar was said to have been both a sound judge of character and decisive in his actions. Spiritual seekers desiring to exhibit the decisiveness that comes from discerning the will of God can appeal to the ascended master El Morya for assistance and sponsorship.

The lifetime and historical personage of El Morya as King Arthur is shrouded in legend and mystery. Most sources pinpoint his birth at about 465AD. He was the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall, but was raised apart from his family for his own protection among the warring factions then present in Europe. At the time, there was no unified King of England. Legends claim that Merlin, a respected prophet and political advisor, determined that the person who could pull a sword from where it was magically embedded in a stone would be crowned king. Arthur was the one who was able to accomplish this feat.

During his reign, King Arthur is reputed to have been a fierce warrior who led Britain’s defense against the Saxons. His exploits were expanded in stories and myths to include the ability to fight supernatural beasts and denizens of the underworld. King Arthur’s exploits have been described and embellished for centuries by poets, authors and playwrights.

The stories of additional characters grew over time. The exploits of each of the knights lent color and excitement to the growing saga of Camelot. The tale of Lancelot, King Arthur’s most illustrious knight, and his love for Queen Guinevere took on a life of its own. The deceitful activities of Mordred and his betrayal of King Arthur also became a significant part of the Arthurian legend. King Arthur’s devotion to his people and service to his nation exemplify El Morya’s own legendary personality.

Another of El Morya’s lifetimes was as the statesman and lawyer Thomas More (1529-1532). An examination of the lifetime of Thomas More can serve as an inspiration for many on their own contemporary spiritual path. Thomas More was born in England in 1478. He was a successful student who became a lawyer and served his country in many capacities, eventually becoming Lord Chancellor. More wrote a number of books, including his most famous work, Utopia. Utopia was a vision of a perfect society vastly different from the world More saw around him.

Although More was quite close to King Henry, More was opposed to having the king claim an authority higher than that of the pope. More was accused of high treason for his refusal to sign a letter asking the pope to annul the king’s marriage to Catherine in order for him to marry Anne Boleyn. He also did not attend the queen’s coronation and refused to accept the validity of the Act of Succession.

More’s trial is generally considered to have been a farce, with his guilt having been decided before the trail even began. More’s defense of his own position revealed both the mind and heart of a man of deep principles. He was convicted of treason and beheaded. More was affirmed a saint of the Catholic church in 1935. Pope John Paul II later officially declared Thomas More to be the patron saint of politicians.

Born once again two and a half centuries later, El Morya was christened Thomas Moore (almost an identical name!). His was a family of relatively modest means in 1779 in Dublin. Thomas studied at Trinity College and later went on for studies in law in London. Thomas Moore’s family imbued in him a love for language and learning. Thomas was also clearly dedicated to absorbing and promoting his own Irish heritage. While he was still a young man, Thomas’ talent for writing, poetry and singing was notable. A work called Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems brought his writing to the public. A book of his ballads called Moore’s Irish Melodies was published in 1846.

Thomas Moore was also successful in his political career. He was appointed to a post in Bermuda and then travelled to both Canada and the United States. After returning to England, he married Elizabeth Dyke, an actress. Moore had hired an employee to handle some of his affairs and was the victim of embezzlement. Moore lived in Paris while he was paying off these debts. During this time, he formed a close alliance with Lord Byron and became his literary executor. Eventually Thomas Moore settled down in Bromham, Wiltshire, England. For the remainder of his life, he was occupied as a novelist, biographer and poet. Tragically, all five of his children died in his lifetime. He himself suffered from a stroke late in life and was no longer able to perform his own works.

When Moore died in 1852, he was already beloved as Ireland’s most famous poet and songwriter. Moore’s songs, including The Harp That Once Through Tara’s Halls, Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, and The Meeting of the Waters have become Irish classics that can be heard the world around. Thomas Moore’s appreciation of beauty, his Irish heritage, and his devotion to the ideals of love set him apart among poets. He is considered to be a “poet of the soul”.

Today El Morya continues to guide and inspire spiritual seekers. There are many significant or landmark HeartStreams from the ascended master El Morya. His qualities of obedience to God’s will and absolute integrity shine through his ongoing messages to his own. On September 24, 2009, El Morya spoke to a group of spiritual students:

The sands in the hour glass are falling. And it is incumbent upon those who understand the laws of divine life to arise from beneath that which has held sway of the lesser reality of divine beingness to emerge fully into the light and to take flight within the new reality that all who love God know.

I am El Morya. And I stand at your side, each one, if you would have me. It is your determination and your consecration of selfhood within the beingness of God that acclimates you to the divine impulses whereby my presence or that of any ascended master may be with you. If you seek the highest level of adeptship, then you must know the adepts. You must attempt to merge with the same stream of light that they emanate. You must process all that occurs within your world within the sanctity of heart-mindfulness, attention upon the highest purpose. And when you are set in this mode, cosmic currents flow and there is an influx of a new radiance that simply moves you into that cosmic consciousness that you desire.

El Morya also continues to encourage his students, or chelas, to master the use of words and communication-whether in poetry or in the writing of righteous laws. El Morya’s comments on September 1, 2009 on the use of the spoken word apply today just as his devotion to integrity, honesty and virtue in speech was exemplified in many prior lifetimes:

We have expressed the teaching that in the science of the spoken word, when you speak your prayers and decrees, the light is anchored in matter. The light of heaven descends and manifests as a tangible reality. Angelic presences come, ascended masters stream forth their light, [and] their Electronic Presence may facilitate change within matter itself. However, consider this day this new concept that you may enter the divine realm at our call, at our beck, and through a raised awareness commune with the higher mindfulness of ascended masters and serve within the heavenly realms as you meditate and pray, even as we have served you at your call.

Learn more about the ascended master El Morya and other ascended masters and their teachings on the website listed below.